10 Things Which Can get Your Adsense Account Blocked

Google Adsense Account is priceless, don't loose it...!

Google's Adsense program was released on July 18, 2003. Google hosts, administers, controls and sorts the advertisement which are placed on Adsense account holder's site content as well as host content programs like YouTube. Adsense has been a great way of earning at home for millions of blogger, video up-loaders and site owners as it is most beneficial compared to other ad networks. Google Adsense is the biggest by a far margin compared to all other ad networks and it has its own terms of use. Google is very strict when it comes to these TOU and you can permanently slaughter the daily egg bearing goose in lure of having some extra eggs one day. There are few things which can get you banned on your Adsense account. Some of them are mild and Google might send you an email warning about it. But some of them are very dangerous acts to do and can blacklist you for life. Let's see what are the things which can get you in trouble on Adsense.

10 Things Which Can get Your Adsense Account Blocked

1) Self Click or Friendly Clicks or Paid Click.

NO....Never start clicking your ads yourself. You might think of using a proxy and start clicking them, but Google is smart enough to catch that too. Remember, there are geniuses filled in the internet world and if there was a loophole; Google might have to shut down this Adsense thing. Google has various tools and bots which can identify clicks by you.

Same way, please don't ask your friends or colleagues to click on your ads. Once or twice you might be lucky but after that Big Bro will surely catch you. So, better you don't do it. Google understands that you can have an accidental click but accidents don't repeat everyday. So, don't get panic if you clicked it by mistake but also don't overdo it and be careful not to do it.

Google is also very strict against paid clicks. The moment they find out, forget about your Adsense account. And they are right, why would the advertiser bear the costs of invalid clicks, so they don't pay you a dime and refund the money you accumulated to the advertisers.

2) Changing the ad codes.

You Adsense account allows you to customize you ad format, fonts color etc. Google doesn't like its codes being altered. You can be on the loosing and if you do in particular

  • Hide any ad unit at any time using display: none

  • Placing the ads in a way that it hides your content

  • Anyhow show more than 3 ads

  • Manipulate the ad targeting

  • Edit the codes to make them floating and irritating to visitor
Google are very strict on above things. Better practice is just to copy paste the code displayed on your Adsense account and never edit it. They are allowing you to customize it at the start anyhow.

3) Never display more than 3 ad units on your page.

Google gives very much importance to the content of your site than the ads. For you ads might be bread and butter and you might be lured to show more than 3 ad units on your page. Though as a default Google Adsense does not allow that to happen but it has bee observed that some fellow edit the codes to do it. Also Google does not like it when you have a lot of other ad network ads on your site. Try to keep it clean and neat and stick to 3 Adsense ad units, only (or less).

Adsense allows in all: 3 Adsense units, 3 link units and 2 search boxes on a single site...And that is maximum.

4) Don't show off you have gotten rich and how.

Never reveal your CPC, CTR and how much you earned via specific ad. It was not allowed to reveal your earning amount as well. But, it was allowed in the later TOS set. Also don't reveal the confidential information which was delivered to you on your Adsense account by Google.

5) No more Help Asking and Click Here labels.

Please don't have any label near your ad unit which is pleading the users to click on the ads. People have habit of using Help Us or Click Here labels but Google is very strict against this now and you can have your account suspended because of this. Same way don't write anywhere on your site asking for people to click on the ads. This is caught within few minutes and you can have a caution email waiting for you in your mail.

6) Let the ads open on the same page only.

Unless the visitor right-click your ad and himself wants it to be opened on the new tab or window, please don't ad any plugin or command which opens them on other page (tab/window). By default all the Adsense ads will open on the same page only and you are not allowed to alter it.

7) Don't open multiple Adsense account.

You might think, there are too many terms and conditions to follow and you might fail to do in long run. You might be lured to open a new account in your name and keep it as backup; to be used when one account is blocked. But this is not allowed by Adsense. There have been incidences when accounts were blocked which were opened on the same address, though by entirely different person.

Also bear in mind that account can only be opened once for a person only, so if you get your account blocked. It's bye bye only.

8) No Porn Please.

Adsense is not allowed for certain group of sites which include but not limited to the following:
  • Porn and adult based content

  • Content against specific person, group or organization

  • Pages containing copyright infringing materials

  • Products related to tobacco, drugs and alcohol

  • Content for hacking and cracking

  • Pay to sites

  • Content related to weapons and other violent things

  • Any other illegal content
Even if you succeed any how to place ads (this is possible when you have multiple sites and you get the ad codes), keep in mind the suspension is on the way.

9) Altering the page after the click or searches.

Please never alter the ad page or search page the visitor reaches after the click or search by any means including redirects or by inhibiting the content. Google wants full value for the advertiser's money and if you are found doing this they might block you permanently.

10) Why do you sound alien to me.?

As of today, Adsense is permitted on sites which are from the 36 languages it supports. The list of languages can be found here. Please check if your content is in one of these languages. Your Adsense account might not show the ads on such pages.

Apart from these there are also different banned practices.  Adsense does not allow them and suspension is always on the darts when you use them. Like keyword stuffing, bot practices and all. It is always a good idea to follow all the TOU of Google Adsense account after all Adsense is the biggest and highest paying ad network around. So, watch out for these conditions and keep your Adsense account in good status.