Use Social Networking to Boost your and your site's image

Social Networking Exploded like a bomb

[caption id="attachment_71" align="aligncenter" width="475"]Basic Social Networking sites Social Networking Options[/caption]

Started in February 2004, Facebook is now the most visited site in the world. If you look around you will feel that almost every other person who has never seen computer or laptop in his life is also using facebook on his mobile device. Twitter on the other hand has also become a increasingly successful social networking tool in today's era. As the social sites have grown we have seen so many sites now being added to the list and we now have more than few dozens sites who are doing well, let alone who are not up to that mark yet. The main reason behind the social sites being so successful is that people are the focus of the attention, they can talk with crowd at a time compared to the conventional one to one dialog. People also like the way social networking sites have amended their looks and the dashboard. Coming to the point, how can you use these social networking sites like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin etc to boost your or your site/business image. This is quiet simple in fact, though it is a long term strategy. Let's see how you can boost it step by step. Remember these social networking sites not only give you site, with each share there is increase in your backlinks count.

1) Create Facebook page for your business:

This is done by so many organization now and they have come to taste a great success by implementing this. Facebook pages are capable of producing that traffic surge for your site once you have few likes and if you use its promotional tool effectively. Let's take one example you have a friend X on Facebook who likes your page. Now this Mr. X is a facebook guy and he is spending so much time on it. As he has liked your page the story will now be on his wall. Say for eg, he has 500 friends in his list. And out of those 500;  50 people saw your link which was liked by Mr. X.  Now, out of these fifty people only 2 people liked your page. This is kind of social networking bomb. If you think, all the facebook users might be connected via a very complex chain. Like some body might not be your direct friend but he can be friend of your friend's friend's friend's friend. The cycle starts now as those 2 persons will be your new Mr. X and they can get some more Mr. X in less time than you anticipate.

This was all free stuff. Now if you want to get more and more visitors quickly you can buy facebook advertisement with pre-selected daily budget. And this will help you by showing your page in right side bar on facebook. This can increase your visibility more and more on facebook. If you are into social networking and want to grow quickly you can certainly see at this paid option too.

[caption id="attachment_61" align="aligncenter" width="750"]Social networking benefits Facebook Advertisement in Right side bar[/caption]


For the Mr. X to like your page and its post the pre-requisite is that you should post your facebook page with unique and useful articles. Or at least something good is there in the site for these guys. Your goal is to bring Mr. X's attention to your site. Once he thinks that this site is good for him he will not need facebook all the time to go there. So, let'd find one more Mr. X.

Also, be responsive on your facebook pages. Try to respond to people's queries and greeting at least twice a week. Don't give them chance of thinking that this is all ONLY FOR YOU. And this holds true for all social networking sites.

2) Make use of Google+ 

Same like Facebook, google+ is also a great social networking tool which can promote your business. Unlike faceook, here you create business profile for your site or brand. The + (plus ) thing serves as like in facebook. Every time your friend + a post it will be shown on your profile as well. It has more privacy aspect compared to facebook, so the spread here won't be that rampant like Facebook. But Google+ is good if you want to rank your pages quickly and get them indexed fast.

Same Mr. X formula applies here but as we told it won't be that rampant like facebook. Google+ is on the rise now in social networking sites so this is the correct time to make your presence now.

3) Tweet Tweet Twitter...!

Tweeting is not anymore the birds job. More than 200 million people were registered on twitter as of February 2013 end. Twitter is micro-bloggin site, which is restricted to 140 characters. But, you can always shorten url and have enough space for one liner description. The friendship in Twitter is called as following, so two friends should ideally follow each other. This social networking site is very much popular in celebrities. Start adding your tweets and increase your follower list to make your presence and get your site/blog visitors from Twitter.

4) Are we LINKEDIN?

Linked is emerging social networking site which allows you to put your academic and carreer things in your profile. There you enlist your qualities and things you think you are expert at. You will be joined with people using linkedin connection. Your skills can be endorsed by your connection, so more endorsement means person is really an expert at that particular skill. So many companies have now started to have a look at you linkedin profile as well. They want to check what is your social networking academically, are you in touch with your professional circle or not. Apart from these, you can publish posts on linkedin profile  like facebook and other social networking sites. Try to put relevant articles matching your skills, this can make your profile really good....!!!

These were the four basic social networking sites, we think one should really use to boost site's/personal image. Apart from these there are plenty other social sites and they have some other merits and demerits. We will surely come up with detailed article on each of this site.