History Of Computer Virus
If you think computer virus was a new thing in 1980s; it is going to be miles away from fact. First reported incident of virus is dating back to 1949 (I was shocked reading this too); when John Von Neumann described self replicating computer programs. The computers were of the size of trucks in so many places; but the virus concept was there. It was in the year of 1983; when world (cyber world) came to know about computer viruses though. This happened when one of the programmer of CORE WARS game described how this game used to self-replicate and saturate the game player's system memory. The basic concept remains the same as that of today's computer viruses. These programmers also developed world's first anti-virus named Reeper; which would delete the copies made by the CORE WARS.
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Things has changed dramatically after 1990 and computers which were confined to Hollywood movies and government and corporate came to personal bedrooms. There was a lot changed; no one used DOS as operating system now; do you? And if the window world changed; it also opened doors for computer virus era development. We have viruses like Trojan Horse virus; ILOVEYOU virus and all. What might have started as simple prank became the biggest nuisance in cyber world now. Hackers and cyber-criminals started to inject viruses and malware to get personal and financial details. There are so many areas from which a virus can enter your system. For example:
1) When you open an already infected program on your PC/Laptop. This can happen when you share programs among friends, families and colleagues. This has been the biggest source of computer virus spread by far.
2) When you open an email attachment which was containing virus in it.
3) When you insert infected CD, DVD, USB or Hard Disk.
4) When you click file download options on certain malicious sites.
5) When an executable file is opened which is having virus in it.
Types of Computer Virus:
There are so many types of computer viruses; some of them abolished as the usage of some programs or devices is stopped. For eg. Boot Sector Virus which was associated with usage of floppy disk to boot the system. No one uses floppy disks now; so this virus also became extinct. Let's see what type of viruses are found in day-to-day computer usage.
a) Browsing Hijacker:
Have you ever experienced this; you try to open something on a webpage and it automates and ends up opening something which you did not want to. This is cheap way to increase page views and advertising revenue. This is the type of computer virus only. This virus can start automatic downloads as well.
b) Direct Action Computer Virus:
These are hidden in the executable file; and only become dormant (for reproduction) when the execution initiates. This form of virus is not so prolific. Vienna virus of 1988 was this type of virus.
c) Virus Infecting Files:
This is most common type of virus so far; it sits in the executable file. When user starts the file execution process; the virus starts to operate on its coding.
d) Multi-partite Virus:
Rather than sticking to one method of spread this type of computer virus can infect your system through multiple gates. Just like its spread methods this virus can exert different types of action on different system; depending upon the type of operating system and all.
e) Polymorphs:
These type of viruses not only have ability to mutate in un-favoured condition; but they also have power of encrypting themselves to stay lurking.
f) Script Buster Computer Virus:
These type of viruses change and damage the website code/scripts. So the website's performance, security and other parameters are altered.
Having seen the kind of viruses; let's see what are the preliminary signs of viruses on your computer:
The most common effect a virus can have on your system is to slow it down. This is mainly because as most of the virus have the capability of reproduction (may be that is why they were termed as viruses); they use your system's space. This in turn affects the system performance in general. So check out when:
- Your computer/laptop is slow without any known reason.
- A specific drive or software is taking long to open and process.
- Your system is taking long to start and shutdown.
- Your external devices like printer and all take long to follow commands. In extreme cases they fail to respond the commands too.
- Your system hang so often.
- When some files or folders seem to be deleted without your knowledge.
- Your web browser becomes erratic; i.e. you might not be able to close the window and all.
- There are unusual sound from the system; as if heavy processes are going on.
- Some programs start or close unexpectedly.
Some of above system could be due to hardware or software malfunctioning too. But it is always to be safe; rather than weeping on huge credit card bill.
How To Avoid Viruses:
Rather than sweeping them afterwards; you should stop few things to make your system NO ENTRY for viruses. For this you should make sure:
- Don't download any file or software from websites which have no security certificate. And if that was inevitable you can check the site for malware and viruses here.
- Always have an antivirus program installed in your system; which is from a genuine company and updated to the latest version.
- When you insert any external device on your system; run a scan for computer virus. If anything is detected; simply remove the device or format it.
- Don't download from torrent sites and they are having a major proportion of malware ad viruses injected in them.
- Porn sites are also a major source of them; stop watching them on your system.
- If you are using chrome you can set up malware and phishing alert. So you can have an advance warning before the site is loaded.
Though all care was taken; viruses sometimes enter your system. You can see below how can you remove the system viruses.
How To Fix Computer Virus:
The best way to fix the virus is to run the antivirus program present in your system. If you don't have any antivirus in your system you can grab the free Microsoft Security Scanner. If you are able to run the scan online you can run online scan at BitDefender. To see the step-by-step guide on computer virus removal you can see the official MicroSoft guideline here.
Always keep you antivirus software on scheduled scan; preferably run a scan every 10 days. Most of the antivirus software give virus alert when any malicious file is downloaded or such webpage opened. You should simply delete the file; and close the webpage accordingly.
Though computer viruses are hard to eradicate; simple precautions can ban them entering into your system.