So Let's See The Keyword Planning In Images
Open Google AdWords home page and login with your gmail account you used to make AdWords account. You will see Tools and analysis dropdown menu. Click and select "Keyword Planner."
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This will open the below page. You will have different option like to get traffic estimate; to get ideas for new keyword and ad group. All SEO work is based upon keyword planning depending upon search volume. So we will select 2nd option which is get search volume for a list of keyword.
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Once you click it; you will be sent to the following page:
You shall add all your keywords chosen for keyword planning area in the white square. In the targeting box you can add the countries for which you need the analysis for. You can run the analysis either on Google alone or Google and search partners (Google Images, Google Shopping, Google Maps and all). Once these data is fed you can click on "Get Search Volume" button. (Negative keyword is for Advertisers who does not want their ads on specific content related site. for ef Nikon advertiser does not want his ads on sites containing Canon Review word.)
For Explanation purpose we will do the search for "SEO Services", "Nikon Camera" and "Proxy Server". This targeting is set for US and UK and on Google only.
This is what we got when we clicked Get Search volume.
You can see in the results image that people search Nikon Camera in UK and USA 22,200 times and there is high competition between advertisers for this keyword. It's CPC is somewhere around 0.62$ (my AdWords is based on Indian rupees; I came to this figure after I converted it to USD). Same way proxy server is the keyword which people search 1,35,000 times and it's CPC is almost 2.85$. SEO services has the highest CPC among these 3 keywords and so there must be high competition for ranking this keyword in Google too. The CPC for Proxy Server is almost 19$ and more.
Similar way you can get traffic estimation for the keyword in your country or the targeting country. You can also get the keyword and ad group idea from the similar tabs o the page. You can filter CPC thing here too. But as this is AdWords page; CPC is nowhere mentioned; suggested bid is more or less similar to CPC of AdSense. Suggested bid could bit higher than the actual CPC for you; as Google has his commission added in bid.
I hope this free Keyword Planning Tool helps you get more and more keyword ideas for your website and blog. There are some more keyword tools too; but why not pick something which is Google's own and a free tool. Let us know your views on the keyword plan explained here; do you think it is worth usable or not? Subscribe for our coming article "Blogging Tip - How 90% Newbie Blogger Use Wrong Keywords."