5 Things to Check before Publishing Your Article

What does an ideal article have in it...?

At least few million new posts are being published everyday. But there are only a few who make it on the top charts. That does not mean those posts are not good; but they lack something or other thing. Thoughts are okay, but when they are reproduced on keyboard you should have some things in your mind. It is very essential that your article has that minimum requirement; so it is accepted. Any post must fulfill 5 minimum requirement listed below to make it to the charts. Let's explore them one by one.

1) Does your article make any sense?

Always ask yourself, "Why this post should be published?" If your work is having good information which can be benefit online community of any niche, group or class. If it is beneficial you should publish it or else you should amend your work accordingly. Sometimes the information is old and not useful at all. For eg, Barack Obama scores big in second term as president...This might be good topic and work but not required at this point of time. So, always think whether your work is needed or not. It is good not to post anything than posting un-necessary stuff.

2) Check your Spelling and Grammar.

Is your work making sense...? First and foremost thing you should check is that your work is free from typo and grammatical errors. This sends very negative message to the visitor about your credibility. Always have a check of your work for these things. There are tools available online to check your grammar online. This is very effective tool which can highlight any spelling, grammar, punctuation mistake in your work. It is always good to get it checked online as well as by you.

3) Have you done proper formatting of the post.

If your article is having a lot of bold and italics it can distract your visitor. Always have simple yet effective formatting for your site. It is advisable to highlight very important word or sentence of the post. But you should avoid highlighting too much words which might not be necessary. Same thing applies to bold, italics and strike-through.

4) No Duplicates Please...!

Google does not like to see the plagiarism. It is very essential that you check your work for matching phrases and lines with the online content. Sometimes only few words can come as copy cat but still they can harm you. Google does not rank plagiarized pages and you can also get other penalties. This step becomes very vital when you are getting content written by someone else. Few people take this as short cut and they usually send you sub-standard work. Always get your work checked on copyscape or smallSEOtools.

If it is your work and few phrases are matching, you should change them using proper synonyms.

5) Use SEO to push it up the ranks.

SEO is very important for blogs. If you are following SEO practice have a last check before publishing your article. Some changes are not permitted after publishing. Like, you are not allowed to change the URL of the page after the post is published. So, it is advisable that you always have an eye on your SEO work before you go for publishing or scheduling.

These are 5 basic yet essential things you should check before you publish any article on your blog. There are more things to be considered, but these are the most basic and most important ones. We will surely have more light on each of these in the following articles soon....!!! Please leave your valuable comments and let us know what you feel about our work. We want your opinion to make this blog more and more interesting for you.....!!!