Hit By Google Penguin Update - Try This Out.

Were you hit by Google Penguin Update?

[caption id="attachment_201" align="aligncenter" width="450"]Did Penguin Update hit you? Did Penguin Update hit you?[/caption]

Google underwent a penguin update on 24th April, 2013. Most of the webmasters were affected and some of them very badly. Were you among people who were hit by the Penguin update. This update was focused more on paid links and link exchange. People who bought links were hit hard by this update. So what can be done now if you were hit? Least can be done now to undo this unless you think this has happened by mistake. If you want to correct the mistakes which went against you, you can do the following things.

1) No Paid Links on your pages:

If your blog has any paid link on your blog, it is the time to remove it. Quiet possibly this link was initial bread and butter for you. But you should not keep it in your page any more. Google knows the link is paid, as these links are sold on so many blogs or sites. Few bucks earned from these links can cost you a lot of organic traffic, so start cleaning your pages.

2) Stop buying the paid links:

You will see so many sites selling PR2 to PR9 links in lieu of money. Don't buy such links anymore. Google knows these links are paid links because the anchor text in these links are adjusted in a way to benefit the buyer. Generally, legitimate links are having site name in the anchor text and not the keyword for the post.

3) Don't make it look like ad jungle:

Google specified in it's Panda update that your site or blog should be focused on content and not the ads. They severely penalized sites which were having so more than 2 ad units above the fold. The same thing has been carried to Google Penguin update too. Try to give more and more content on your blog. Ads are necessary but don't make it look like one and only thing on your pages. Regular posting with maximum three ad units can do the job for you.

Google hates to see more than 7-8 advertisements (of course from different advertising networks) on your blog and can severely punish you for this.

4) No Black SEO and Stuffing Job:

If you were doing Black or grey hat SEO, this must have been the single most reason why Google Penguin update hit you. Stop doing keyword stuffing as well as hidden keyword addition in your blog. It is good to use keywords at normal and allowed density which is between 1-2%. Anything above 3% can get Google frowning upon you.

Google has very effective spiders which can find such malicious practices and they can ban you. Mostly Google team may send you email for anything deviating on your blog/site. But keep in mind, they don't need your permission to ban you.

------> If you think that you were wrongly hit by the Penguin Update and want to let Google know about it; you can do that here. Alternatively if you have done the necessary changes like link removal and all and want to let them know; you can use the same link. We hope that this post will be useful to you in getting your site back on track. We welcome all the suggestion and comments which can make this site more beneficial to you....!!!